Welcome to the world of Erasmus+ programs!

What is Erasmus+ ?
Erasmus+ is a programme funded by European Commission giving opportunities for youth from EU and neighboring countries to travel, explore and learn.
If you are 16-30 years old you are eligible to participate in Erasmus+ funded Youth-Exchanges, Training Courses, European Voluntary Services. If you are older, you are still eligible to participate in some of the projects!

Youth Exchanges
Youth Exchanges are international projects that promote youth mobility, intercultural learning, active participation and European citizenship.
By meeting other cultures and realities, young people can learn from each other, they can find similarities and differences between their cultures and their paths of life, as well as acquire knowledge and information to enrich their cultural heritage.
Every exchange is different from others, but all have a common purpose: open a window on the world to see beyond the prejudices and broaden their horizons.
Who can participate?
age Limit: 13-30 years old.
1 group leader per country must be older than 18 years old, but there is no upper age limit.
basic knowledge of foreign language. (In most cases English)
you are interested in the topic of youth exchange
ready to participate in the whole duration of youth exchange (4-21 days)
all travel costs to and from projects location are covered under Erasmus+ up to a certain amount depending on the travel distance. (In order to get a reimbursement, you must keep all of the original travel tickets and boarding passes.)
some projects might include a participation fee.
accommodation and food are fully covered by organizers.
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Networking and trainings
Erasmus+ supports the professional development of youth workers through training or networking periods abroad. Periods abroad can consist of training courses, study visits, job shadowing or observation periods at relevant organizations and more. Differently, than in Youth-Exchanges, participants of Training Courses must follow the predefined profile of the project. Such kind of activities is designed to target people involved in youth work, NGOs, non-formal education.
Who can participate?
age Limit: 18+ (no upper age limit)
ability to communicate and work in foreign language (In most cases English)
interest and relevant experience in the topic of the event.
All travel costs to and from projects location are covered under Erasmus+ up to a certain amount depending on the travel distance. In order to get a reimbursement, you must keep all of the original travel tickets and boarding passes.
Some projects might include a participation fee.
Accommodation and food are fully covered by organizers.
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European Solidarity Corps
Erasmus+ gives an opportunity for youth to volunteer travel and learn in another country for a specified period, (2 weeks to 12 months). The volunteering activities can be, for example, in the field of environment, arts and culture, activities with children, young people or the elderly, heritage or sports and leisure activities.
Who can participate?
Age Limit: 18-30
Ability to communicate and work in foreign language (In most cases English)
Interest and motivation to work on the topic of the volunteering placement.
Committed to volunteer full time for selected period of time
All travel costs to and from country of volunteering are covered under Erasmus+ up to a certain amount depending on the travel distance. In order to get a reimbursement, you must keep all of the original travel tickets and boarding passes.
Each volunteer receives monthly pocket money (depending on country of departure)
Hosting organisation provides food or allowance for food.
Accommodation and utilities are fully covered by the project organisers.
Volunteers are insured by private health insurance throughout their whole volunteering period.
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