ideA (Latvia) is looking for 3 participant from Croatia 🇭🇷 for EU funded Training course!

💡Training Course "Inception 3"
😃Who? 3 Youth-Workers Youth-Leaders (18+), Teachers
🌍 Where? Zaļenieki, Latvia LV
📅 When? 27th of June - 4th of July 2018
⏳ Deadline for applications! 20th of May 2018.
✈️Travel costs are reimbursed up to 275 EUR!
💶 Accommodation and catering is covered by European Union!
❓ To learn more about Erasmus+ visit our website:
Project Description:
Inception3 is a successive project of the Inception confirmed by Latvian National Agency (2016) and Inception 2.0 confirmed by Slovenian National Agency (2017). Within this project we tackle an issue that in 2016, more than 6,3 million young people (aged 15-24 years) were neither in employment nor in education or training (NEETs) in the European Union.
Inception3 is dedicated to youth workers and leaders, teachers dealing with NEET youngsters from mix cultural backgrounds, including working with refugees, asylum seekers and migrants.
– to raise awareness of marginalized youth, especially NEET’s among youth workers ; – to build capacity of youth workers, youth leaders and educators using coaching and constellation as methods to work with marginalized youth especially NEET youngsters with mix cultural background; – to increase local communities openess and tolerance towards diverse cultures.