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EVS │ Athens, Greece │ INPLANET

Syncro - Synergy Croatia is looking for 1 female participant from Croatia 🇭🇷 for EU funded EVS


😃 Who? One female from 18 to 30 years old

🌍 Where? Athens, Greece

📅 When? 1st September 2018 – 31st August 2019

⏳ Deadline for applications! 20st of June

✈️Travel costs are reimbursed up to 275EUR!

💶 Accommodation, food and pocket money are covered by European Union!

❓ To learn more about Erasmus+ visit our website:

Project Description:

The participant can choose between these 2 activities for her EVS project:

Activity 1: For 12 months, 3 volunteers who are going to cover the annual needs of our Organization dealing with the Erasmus+ programs (Youth exchanges, TC’s, results diffusion, organizing informative events, partners searching, partners communication and correspondence, emails, dealing with Media [TV, Radio, Social Medias, sites etc] and finally writing articles about the Organizations’ activities. The Volunteers will also contribute to the designing and publishing of a monthly magazine or newspaper about our Organization.

Activity 2: For 12 months, 3 volunteers who are going to deal with the development of our cultural sector. INPLANET has developed a very strong relationship with the Municipality of Aghia Varvara – the area where the organization is located – and cooperates with the Municipality Lab of Folklore Art and Jewelry by organizing exhibitions and by being part of the cultural events of the Municipality. At the same time, the Volunteers will actively contribute to the Organizations development of Sports and Wellbeing activity by taking part in sport academies and sport events that the Municipality of Aghia Varvara implements every year. Our Organization has access to the Municipality’s sport facilities and takes part in Massive Sports events, organizes seminars about sport, healthy living and wellbeing as an attitude in life. Our volunteers will be engaged in those activities by offering help to kids and elders in order for them to adapt a healthy lifestyle and positive energy.

In this point, we must emphasize the fact that all Volunteers will be actively involved in all of our Erasmus+ programs, by taking part, either as participants or team leaders, either as program designers, youth workers, facilitators and logistic responsible. In this way, INPLANET is going to give a multi level knowledge to all volunteers, by giving them the chance to express themselves freely, to develop their talents, to learn new skills and competences and finally to learn how to work in a multi-cultural environment. At the same time, new attitudes will be developed by their everyday communication with the local community, the Greek mentality and the Greek way of living. All volunteers will be responsible for organizing events in local and national level, by informing young people about their EVS experience, the benefits of being Volunteers and the earnings by this experience. In this way, our Volunteers will be the inspiration to other youngsters in Greece. Our Volunteers are obligated to take part to all the EVS events that are going to be scheduled by Greek National Agency.

Description of INPLANET INPLANET is an Organization active on the sectors of Education, Vocational Training, Life Long Learning, Adult Education and matters of Youth. We are specialized to the designing, organizing and implementing various types of European programs. We got huge European experience as since 1994 we have implemented and took part in more than 120 European programs. Very important it’s INPLANET’s contribution to Life Long Learning by organizing seminars for Adults around different sectors of Vocational Education and Training such as Informatics, Foreign Languages Courses, professional competences for Adult Trainers, administrative competences inside the frame of European programs etc. INPLANET is also working as a Hosting and Sending Organization, inside the frame of Erasmus+ program, a fact that practically means that we organize Educative programs for trainees of the European Vocational Training Institutes, by offering knowledge, knowhow and innovation to them through our huge Universities, Companies, Private and Public Sector Organizations network, which we have established in Greece. At the same time, we are sending abroad a big number of trainees of the Greek Vocational Training Institutes, in order to attend similar educative programs. INPLANET also offers short term seminars (combined theory and practice) for Teachers, Trainers, Administration and Education managers, either in Athens, either abroad.

Visit our web site for more:

Tasks of the volunteers

The volunteers will be divided in groups of 3 and every group will follow a different daily schedule of activities, depending on his/her personal capacities and interests. The volunteers will follow a program of five (05) days a week seven (07) hours a day. Every day is divided in both Indoor and Outdoor activities (you can check the attached weekly program)

Indoor Activities (5 days a week): The volunteers will work into the central office of INPLANET doing tasks as they have been described into the Activities field above (organizing events, media communication, finding possible partners, diffusion or programs’ results, updating social Medias, updating our web page, monthly newsletter etc.)

Outdoor Activities (4 days a week): The volunteers will take part to activities outside INPLANET, aiming to their personal development, cultural awareness, social inclusion and communication with locals, self development and self-esteem, acquirement of new competences and knowledge (Handicraft Workshops at the cultural centre of the Municipality of Aghia Varvara, Workout in the Municipality gym, Folklore dance lessons, participation in Municipality exhibitions, organizing events together with the Municipality and the local community etc.)

Greek Language Courses (2 days a week): The volunteers will have Greek Language courses with their Mentor using also Online Linguistic Support platform of Erasmus+ in order to achieve a satisfactory communication level in Greek language. By the end of the program INPLANET will provide to all volunteers a Certification of Greek language courses.

Develop your own idea into a project (1 day a week): The volunteers will have the opportunity to learn how to develop their own idea into a project proposal. With the help of their Mentor they will learn how to become sufficient project managers by making their own project which is going to be submitted into one of the 3 annual flows of the Greek National Agency. If their program is approved they will be responsible for the implementation of the program in all its phases with the help of all members of INPLANET and their Mentor. In this case we achieve the aim of giving the knowhow to the volunteers about Erasmus+ project by making them capable Youth Workers and Project Managers.

Of course, the volunteers will participate actively in every European program is implemented by INPLANET and they will have the opportunity to take part in programs abroad Europe where INPLANET is a participating organization.

Finally, volunteer service doesn’t mean always lessons and work but also entertainment, joining parties and events, participating in exhibitions and excursions socialize with youngsters and locals. We want our Volunteers to feel totally intergraded in our community and in Greek reality. We want them to feel part of the family of INPLANET and we are ready from our side to make this real!!

The work of the Volunteers will always be monitored by their Mentor who will have the role of the mediator between them and the Organization. He/she will be responsible for the smooth integration in their new social and working environment as well as their untroubled service. He/she will be responsible for all paper work, the on time monthly distribution or the pocket money to the volunteers and finally to control all practical issues that occur during volunteer service. We need our volunteers to become a live part of INPLANET by taking part to all organization meetings, to share freely their ideas and opinions, to express themselves, to agree or disagree where is needed, to maintain equality among the rest of the INPLANET members, to feel free to discuss whatever bothers them regarding their service and finally to care about INPLANET like it was their home. INPLANET takes the commitment to make whatever it takes for the volunteers to develop new competences, social and cultural attitudes, to learn new things and finally to encourage them always to take responsibilities and initiatives by developing their own ideas.

Accommodation: Volunteers will be living in apartments of INPLANET. They will probably share a room with other volunteer/s. The apartments will have a kitchen, living area and bathroom. They must cook their own meals and they will eat together. In order to achieve the desirable socialization for our Volunteers we think that the accommodation standards contribute the most to this direction. That practically means that the Volunteers must be prepared for this experience and get ready to help each other, at least in the beginning, in order to adjust the living standards in a common accepted level.

Always remember that you will live together in a group of 6 volunteers; this means that you must be prepared to respect the needs and wishes of others as much as your own. You must be ready to participate actively in all household tasks such as cleaning, tidying up and, of course, cooking! If until now you have lived with your parents, start experimenting in your own home before you come here. And don’t forget to bring with you a cooking book, especially one with recipes typical of your country!

More information in the infopack:

💡Apply Now! Don’t forget to send us a full CV and a Motivation Letter in which you explain somehow your needs, your expectations and why you want to participate to our EVS program, to In your CV we need you to fill in phone number, full address, valid email address and we will need a clear photo of your passport or another travelling document that you have.

⏳Deadline for applications – 20st of June 2018

In case you have any questions, contact us at

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