Syncro - Synergy Croatia is looking for a female volunteer (due to the gender balance) from Croatia 🇭🇷 for EU funded volunteering activity!

💡 European Volunteering Service project in YEU Cyprus
😃 Who? A female 20+ years old (due to the gender balance)
🌍 Where? Nicosia, Cyprus
📅 When? 1st June 2018 – 31st March 2019
⏳ Deadline for applications! 10th of June
✈️Travel costs are reimbursed!
💶 Accommodation, Catering and project activities are covered by European Union!
❓ To learn more about Erasmus+ visit our website:
Project Description:
Our project’s mission is to organise different leisure time as well as educational activities for young people, in order to help them find different creative ways to spend their free time. At
the same time our aim is to help them learn some new things, such as speaking a new language, getting to know a new culture and also come nearer to their own traditions. With the help of our voulunteers, we are going to organise activities that will help the Cypriot community to explore their identity and find ways to become more active.
One of our goals will be to inspire the local community be more active citizens, by
organising different events, open to the public, and promoting volunteerism. A lot of young
people in Cyprus are at the moment unemployed and quite frustrated because they do not feel that they are productive in any way. There are also a lot of young people that may be asylum seekers, political refugees or even human trafficking victims. These young people do not have the same opportunities as others, especially because they are not really integrated in the society. A lot of them do not have friends or hobbies and in many cases, not even some creative ways to spend their days or learn something. Our goal is to promote the inclusion of these young people to the society and help them find ways to use their energy in a creative way. We will also organise events that will show them the opportunities that they have abroad and how they can travel and at the same time learn new things.
Volunteer`s profile:
We need an active and well-motivated person, willing to expand her horizons through
experiencing new adventures and challenges. The volunteers should have the necessary
competencies and motivation to work with young people of different backgrounds and with
different interests as well as the willingness and openness to learn new things, including working with the computer. The volunteers should be preferable over 20 years old, open-minded towards different working methods, different languages and cultures and be interested to make new experiences in an intercultural environment. No special scientific or studies background is needed, however it will be appreciated any knowledge/skills regarding sports, arts, ideas in finding alternative ways to increase youth participation, activism in several sectors, environmental issues etc.
More information in the infopack:
💡Apply Now! contact via or
⏳Deadline for applications – 10th of June 2018
In case you have any questions, contact us at or