Syncro - Synergy Croatia is looking for participants from Croatia for EU funded Training Course
💡 Training Course with ARCI Nuova Associazione
😃 Who? 18+ youth workers
🌍 Where? Borrello, Italy IT
📅 When? 13th November 2019 – 22nd November 2019
⏳ Deadline for applications! 5th of November 2019
✈️Travel costs are reimbursed up to 180 EUR!
💶 Accommodation, catering, travel costs and project activities are covered by the European Union!
❓ To learn more about Erasmus+ visit our website:
Project Description:
Are you an 18 + youth worker willing to learn more about Non-formal education (especially topics like learning by doing and active learning, self-evaluation, need analysis, intercultural learning approach)?
Do you want to get new tools that you can use in the future? Are you interested in discussing issues such as environmental matters, peaceful resolution of conflict, how to deal with human rights issues, how to overcome linguistic barriers, communication, and creative skills?
Then, apply now for the Training Course "Non-Formal Education in Formal contexts of learning: a successful encounter" and boost your knowledge about Non-formal education!
💡Apply Now! Send an e-mail to
⏳Deadline for applications – 30th of October 2019