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APV & Youth Exchange│ Ommen, The Netherlands│ Game On

Syncro - Synergy Croatia is looking for 1 group leader and 4 participants from Croatia 🇭🇷 for EU funded APV & Youth Exchange!

Game ON is all about exploring simple ways how to work together with others and create various games outside in nature.

💡APV & Youth Exchange "Game On"


APV (Advanced Planing Visit) – 1 group leader (18- 25 y.o.) + 1 participant (16-19 y.o.)

YE (Youth Exchange) – 1 group leader (18- 25 y.o.) + 4 participants (16-19 y.o.)

🌍 Where? Ommen, The Netherlands

📅 When?

APV – 4th – 5th of May, 2019 (2,5 days excluding travel days)

YE – 23rd August - 3rd September, 2019 (12 days excluding travel days)*

⏳ Deadline for applications!

APV until the 1st of April

YE until the 17th of June

✈️Travel costs are reimbursed up to 275 EUR!

💶 Accommodation and catering is covered by European Union!

💶 75 euros participation fee for each participant of YE **

*Group Leaders will arrive 2 days earlier to prepare for the exchange

**Group Leaders do not have to contribute with participation fee


The idea of the project is to create a playful environment in which you will be encouraged to explore your own capabilities, to put your values into practice and be inspired by yourself and others.

In 12 days you will create, play and experiment within an intercultural group of 50 youngsters from 10 different countries.

Target group Participants: 16-19 years old youngsters who are inexperienced with Erasmus+ projects and can be considered fewer opportunities (economic obstacles, educational difficulties, coming from rural areas, unemployed etc.)

Group Leaders: 18- 25 years old young adults who are active, interested in outdoor activities

and working with people.

! Dissemination ! The dissemination of Game ON will happen in two parts:

● After the APV When: May 2019 Aim: to organise 10 outdoor activities in the local communities (1 per partner)

● After the YE When: September - October, 2019 Aim: to write and share 10 articles

(1 per partner) to spread the results of the project

After the APV Youngsters who attended the APV will organise dissemination events which will function as a ‘’trailer’’ of the exchange - participants will deliver their outdoor activities/games/workshops from the APV as well as share stories about their experience in

Game ON.

Travel reimbursement

Latvia, Czech Republic, Macedonia, Italy, Croatia, Lithuania, Romania, Bulgaria | 275 euros Greece | 360 euros

The reimbursement will happen in cash at the end of the APV and YE, regardless of how much has been spent on the travel.

For example - the travel cost is 150 euros, the participant will get 275 euros. With 125 euros that are left, he/she/they is able to pay the participation fee of 75 euros.

More information in the info-pack – HERE


⏳Deadline for applications APV until the 1st of April, YE until the 17th of June.

In case you have any questions, contact us at

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